Versatile high-performance FTIR gas analyzer
The MATRIX-MG comprises high-performance FT-IR gas analyzer in a compact and rugged housing. It is designed for the automated, high precision and real-time monitoring of gas concentrations in many different applications. Its strongest point is that it does not require the creation of calibration curves and also that, thanks to its technologies, it enables extremely sensitive measurements even outside the laboratory, when there is no possibility to connect purge gas or cool detector with liquid nitrogen.
The comprehensive software package OPUS GA (OPUS Gas Analysis) automatically evaluates the measured spectra in real-time in order to identify and quantify the gas compounds. The quantification bases on a nonlinear fitting algorithm that fits the corresponding library spectrum to the measurement. In this fitting procedure also the absorptions of interfering gases are included. More than 400 compounds can be identified and quantified without the need of a calibration measurement. Additionally, individual reference spectra can be measured by the user.
Upgrade to measure water and carbon dioxide in low concentrations much below ambient conditions without the need for an external purge gas supply.
The permanently aligned RocksolidTM interferometer is a unique patented component which yields over 20% higher throughput than ordinary interferometer design. It benefits from dual retro reflection cube corner mirrors and wear-free pivot mechanism located in the center of mass, which ensures exceptional stability and reliability even in harsh environment. With its patented design, the elimination of mirror tilt optically and prevention of mirror shear mechanically is reached.
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