The best choice for routine as well as advanced R&D applications.
INVENIO X marks a new standard of advanced FTIR R&D spectroscopy and completes the next generation INVENIO platform. The innovative INTEGRAL™ interferometer with integrated beam splitter changer is the perfect counterpart of the pioneering MultiTect™ technology. Together with additional DigiTect™ and Transit™ channel detector positions up to 7 internal software-controlled detectors are accessible, covering the complete FIR to VIS/UV range. INTEGRAL™ meets MultiTect™ - A new era of truly automated FTIR spectroscopy begins.
INTEGRAL™ interferometer includes an automatic 3-position beam splitter (BMS) changer. The wear-free interferometer benefits from highly accurate cube-corner mirrors and an actively aligned smoothly running BMS changer wheel, providing optimum performance with better than 0.09 cm-1 resolution.
Bruker’s innovative MultiTect™ detector technology enables automatic control of up to 5 room temperature detectors at once. All room temperature FTIR detectors, such as DTGS, InGaAs, Si diode or GaP, can be configured for the MultiTect™ detector unit, covering the entire spectral range from FIR to UV/VIS.
Bruker´s DigiTectTM detector technology ensures lowest electronic noise. It is based on modern dual-channel delta-sigma ADC’s with true 24-bit dynamic range integrated into the detector preamplifier electronics.
The step-scan technique allows the monitoring of the temporal progress of very fast reproducible events (transients) down to the very low ns-range. The interferometer mirror consecutively steps to the separate interferogram points one by one where the experiment is restarted again. Temporal resolution up to 2,5 nsec is possible.
For time-resolved spectroscopy of non-reproducible experiments, data can be obtained using the so-called Rapid-Scan technique. In this case the interferometer mirror moves very fast and up to 4 spectra can be extracted from each full forward-backward interferometer scan. Up to 110 spectra acquisition per second possible.
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