Wide range of possibilities for analysis of almost every sample form (e.g. liquids, Si wafers). Different constructional designs – multi reflection or one bounce ATR units based on mechanically fixed ZnSe, Ge or diamond crystal. The highest quality ATR spectra and no gluing of crystals guaranteed. Possibility of many contact pressure mechanisms, heatable or flow through accessories etc.
Dedicated gas cells allow the measurement of gases and gaseous mixtures by transmission IR spectroscopy. Unmatched variety of cells made in distinct design and with different constructional materials, optical path lengths (from cm up to tens of meters), gas volumes, flow through and heating options etc.
Enables total hemispherical and hemispherical diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy of large sampling areas.
Dedicated liquid cells allow the measurement of liquid samples. Variety of cells made in distinct design and with different constructional materials, optical path lengths, volumes, flow through and heating options etc.
Wide range of constructional designs to fit every application. Units differs in angle of incidence or principle of reflection – also DRIFT, specular reflection and external reflection are offered. Furthermore, available hybrid units allowing optional incidence angle or combination of reflection modes with each other or even with transmission.
Versatile transmission units allow the measurement of solid and liquid samples. Unmatched variety of possibilities - distinct design of holders for different sample forms (solids and liquids), heating and other options available.
Hyperion 3000 is a FTIR microscope module with the highest sensitivity at the highest spatial resolution.
Bruker offers a wide range of beamsplitters to provide maximum experimental flexibility and optimal results. The beamsplitters cover the Far-IR (or THz) up to the VIS/UV regions. Easy manual beamsplitter exchange is available on the TENSOR and the VERTEX series spectrometers. Beamsplitters are automatically adjusted and recognized by the system and correct experimental parameters are loaded.
The full spectral range from the very far IR (or THz) through the mid and near IR up to the visible and UV spectral ranges are covered. The advanced DigiTect detector technology prevents external signal disturbances and guarantees the highest signal-to-noise ratios.
The emission adapter allows to perform measurements on solid samples at different temperature ranges from room temperature up to 400°C. It can be used to determine the temperature dependent emittance behavior of e.g. surfaces, coatings or any solid material.
Extended range room temperature DLaTGS detector for the complete IR spectrum from above 12.000 cm-1 to ca. 20 cm-1.
Software controlled cryostat.
FIR source (Hg arc), externally adapted, water-cooled, including mount, cooling unit and power supply. The unit is mounted at one of the optional emission ports and is manually started.
Externally adapted, water cooled with mount and power supply.
A high resolution monochrome camera is used for accurate positioning of the image of the sun on the input aperture.
Software controlled heatable units or cells.
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