Fully automated FTIR imaging microscope
The LUMOS II is as an easy-to-use, stand-alone FTIR imaging microscope with peak performance in any measurement mode. Whether it is transmission, reflection or attenuated total reflectance (ATR), the LUMOS II is always the right choice.
The LUMOS II features incredibly fast FTIR imaging. Thanks to FPA technology, microscope is able to collect 1024 spectra in a single scan and therefore collection of over 50.000 spectra within a minute is not a fiction anymore. In such an FTIR image, every pixel can have down to 1.25 µm size and every pixel is composed of an entire FTIR spectrum. This spectral data can be used to render a color image, emphasizing a sample’s properties like chemical structure or composition. This results in a superb spatial resolution and peak sensitivity in all measurements modes.
A major innovation is certainly the motorization of the ATR crystal in the objective. Due to this unique feature all IR measurements, even those in ATR mode, are performed fully automated with the LUMOS. An integrated pressure control ensures the constancy of the pressure applied from the crystal to the sample which is essential for mapping and imaging experiments. In transmission and reflection, the ATR crystal is hidden into the objective. For data acquisition in ATR the crystal is positioned into the IR focus by an encoded piezo drive.
For the investigation of larger samples, a macro unit is available to be connected to the left side of the LUMOS. This unit allows the use of all QuickSnapTM sampling modules of the compact FT-IR spectrometer ALPHA. Various QuickSnapTM modules for transmission, diffuse and specular reflection as well as attenuated total reflection (ATR) provide sampling flexibility for almost all kinds of solid, liquid and gaseous samples.
The permanently aligned RocksolidTM interferometer is a unique patented component which yields over 20% higher throughput than ordinary interferometer design. It benefits from dual retro reflection cube corner mirrors and wear-free pivot mechanism located in the center of mass, which ensures exceptional stability and reliability even in harsh environment. With its patented design, the elimination of mirror tilt optically and prevention of mirror shear mechanically is reached.
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